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NASA / ESA / JPL / University of Iowa / Caltech / MIT / LIGO Lab / Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) / TU Braunschweig / IGEP / University of Manchester / New Jersey Institute of Technology / NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center / Queen Mary University of London as part of the Space Sound Effects project / NASA THEMIS Mission / Observatory of Heliotown  


Special thanks to


Professor Carolin Crawford of Cambridge University,

for her inspiration and especially the sounds she provided me with.

Her  lecture on " Sounds of the Universe " is wonderful.

Dr Martin Archer

Outreach officer

School of Physics and Astronomy

Queen Mary University of London


Thomas Ashcraft  

Radio astronomer



Philippe Escoubet

ESA Mission Manager

Project Scientist


Prof. Dr. Michael Kramer
Director - Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy Bonn
Professor for Astrophysics - University of Manchester, UK

with Prof. em.  Andrew Lyne,  University of Manchester, UK

Alexander Kosovichev
New Jersey Institute of Technology
Department of Physics
New Jersey

William (Bill) Kurth
Research Scientist
Department of Physics and Astronomy
University of Iowa

Manuel mustard  

Composer / sound designer



Dr. Jatila van der Veen

Project Scientist I, Department of Physics

University of California, Santa Barbara


as well as


Daniel Scuka
SSA Communication Coordinator
Senior Editor for Spacecraft Operations
Program Communication Officer OPS & TEC (acting)


Katharina Neises
Corporate Communication Office
European Space Agency ESA / ESOC


Special thanks also


Kevin Sean Baumanns

Project manager

V-LUBE GmbH / Glowstone


Technical support:

Friedrich Bonnmann

Onomato Düsseldorf



Gerrit Rassbach



Iris Rohmann

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